

Sunday Night - May 25
Dear Diary,
  Spent most of last night in my Grandpa Clark's storm cellar, and so did most of the neighbors.  I ran down and got Claudia before it started thundering and raining. Her parents said they would set the storm out under the kitchen table if need be.  Claudia doesn't take to storms too well so we sat at the very back of the cellar.  Mrs. Potts, the town gossip, sat on an old bench next to my mom. The gossipy gray-haired woman entertained us all with the goings on in town.  No need for a newspaper with her around! She talked non-stop most of the time and we ignored her, but then Claudia's and my ears perked up when she started talking about the strange newcomer to town, Madame Sophia.  "Why, she's a fortune teller," she told us all, "and she's setting up shop in the building behind Martha Jo's Beauty Shop." Boy, did she love telling that bit of juicy gossip.   Everyone talked about what a terrible thing that was and they all vowed to never go to her.  I know Claudia and I can't wait to go!
     After the storm passed Grandpa Clark opened the cellar door, looked out and told us all nothing had happened. I saw my mom sigh with relief. Grandpa said, "I sat here in this old hard chair half the night and I could have been listening to the Grand Ole Opry with Minnie Pearl and Eddy Arnold."  Grandma gave him a dirty look.
     I hoped we would forget church, but no such luck. My mom said, "No church, no Sunday afternoon movie!" 
     At church, the minister told us he was surprised at how few people were there, considering how lucky we were that the storm by-passed us Saturday night.     
      After church, us girls, Claudia, Marqueita and Sue went to see "The Greatest Show on Earth."  The scene where Cornel Wilde fell from the high wire with no net below just to impress Betty Hutton  had us all on the edges of our seats.  I hope some fella loves me that much some day!
     Tomorrow is Monday. Not my favorite day, but we only have five more days of school. Thank goodness!

Monday - May 26
Dear Diary,
     I thought today was going to be real DULLSVILLE. Was I ever wrong!  Mrs. Martin, our algebra teacher, is never separated from her grade book.  But, today she was called out of algebra class and left her grade book on the desk. We all gathered around for a look at our grades.  When we heard her coming down the hall, Tim hid the grade book behind the radiator.  She just about exploded when she found her grade book missing. Luckily, the bell rang and we escaped.  We all made a pact, no one knows anything! Tomorrow won't be very pleasant. The fact that she and The Warden are best friends isn't going to help. Only four more days of school left!

Tuesday - May 27
Dear Diary,
     Algebra class couldn't have been worse.  Mrs. Martin told us we didn't need to look so innocent. We were all guilty and were all getting an "F."  Then she had Principal Webster come in and she told him the whole story.  Before he could say anything, Tim points to the radiator and says, "What is that? I see something behind there." Mr. Webster walks over, gets the book and hands it to Mrs. Martin and says, "You must have dropped this," and walks out of the room.  Of course, she still had to tell us how awful we were and how we would all come to a bad end!  She told us she was sure she'd open up the newspaper someday and our names would be in the headlines. And it wouldn't be good!  Can't understand why she thinks we were so bad. We were just having fun.  Hope we get some new teachers next year!  Only three more days as a sophomore!

Wednesday - May 28
Dear Diary
     School is finally out!  That's the good news! The bad news is we got our report cards.  I knew I didn't do well in world history. I don't care though, just so I passed.  (And I did with a C+.)    I was so happy until I saw Nancy Randall crying over her B-.  After class, Mrs. Fields, the history teacher, asked me why Nancy was crying. I told her the B- ruined her chance for a scholarship to college in two years. Mrs. Fields felt bad that she didn't give Nancy more help.   I asked if there wasn't something my friends and I could do.  She said no and then said she was surprised I asked.  She said she thought all I ever worried about was a date for Saturday night.  Imagine that!  It made me feel kind of bad about myself. I think I'll be nicer to Nancy and help her next year, but doesn't Mrs. Fields realize a date for Saturday night is VERY important!

Thursday - May 27
Dear Diary
     Graduation is over! The seniors have gone to the state capitol for their senior trip. Just two more years and it will be our turn!  I hope we go somewhere more exciting.  Who cares about an old capitol building!  I am really sad, though. Billy Maples is leaving Westwood High.

Saturday - May 31
Dear Diary
     We all went to the drive-in movie to celebrate our being juniors!  Three car loads went. Some of the boys hid in the trunk.  The manager came around and said we were making too much noise.  We weren't the only ones celebrating the end of school, so he finally gave up and left us alone. The movie was "Duel in the Sun" with Gregory Peck and Jennifer Jones.  Gregory was so cute, but he was so mean!

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